by Anthony Lawson on Nov 15, 2024
I loved Dragons when I was a kid. Wait...I guess dragon shouldn't be capitalized. Ah well, too late to change it. I guess that shows you how much I loved dragons.
I'm not sure why I started thinking about this the other day, probably an age thing, but started wondering where my fascination with dragons came from and it became pretty damn obvious after I gave it one minute of thought...
by Anthony Lawson on Aug 29, 2024
This image of my dad was taken around 2012, can't remember exactly, but it was the first time I had gone to visit my Gramps' "marker". He was cremated so this is just a memorial type deal. I don't remember what year he died but it was way before this was taken. I'd never visited the marker because I had no idea it existed.
The Lawson's deal with death in an interesting way and it seems to be genetic and possibly a carry over from the mid-west in the early 20th century. We kind of just ignore it. We know it's inevitable and we know its sucks but there's no use talking about it. In fact, there's not much use in talking about anything. Just sit on the rocker and let it happen how it's going to happen.
It's been almost six years since cancer got my dad and in that six years it took two of my uncles and is about to take my younger cousin. She's only in her 40's and has been dealing with it for quite some time. Of course, "they" don't really have an answer as to the cause but "they" have no problem telling her that she only has a couple of months.
When I started formulating this post in my head last week, the focus was all about what caused it and how to possibly prevent it and to plead with you guys to stop consuming this and that but, as I started writing, the "Lawson" in me kicked in and I came to the conclusion that there's no use talking about it. I know that's not true. I'm one of the few Lawson's that has had therapy to deal with shit but I still like to take my sweet time.
So, for now, all I have to say is FUCKKKKK cancer.
by Anthony Lawson on Feb 13, 2024
"What do you do?" I hate this question. I never know what to say. In fact, it bothers me so much that I may have already written a post about it but here's another one. This time, however, the thought took me in a different direction. Why do we ask that question? What are we even asking? Are we asking how the person pays their bills? Are we asking what the person is good at? What they enjoy doing?...
by Anthony Lawson on Dec 24, 2023
"Customers" isn't the right term. I also don't care for "clients". "Community" is more like it but that starts to sounds cultish. I'm struggling with what to call you guys because you've become more than "customers". Some of you anyway, the rest need to earn it...kidding...
by Anthony Lawson on Nov 14, 2023
Memory is funny. I have fond memories of Joshua Tree from my childhood but if I were really forced to sit down and hash it out, my sister and I were bored pretty much the majority of the time. I had a daily checklist I'd go through...BB gun, hang out in the gully, Lincoln Logs/army men and sometimes Peanuts puzzle...
by Anthony Lawson on Sep 22, 2023
Remember all of that hype about breathing and taking it all in stride I spewed yesterday? Well I've been awake since 2am stressed about this big move of ours. We head up today to get the keys and now it's real. So after an hour of laying and NOT breathing, I got up to let you know. It's not easy. This whole living thing is hard. That doesn't change but I sat and took some breaths and scrolled through some photos of our new town and I'm okay. Hopefully Lisa won't read this.Keep breathing.
by Anthony Lawson on Jun 22, 2023
Take any living mammal and put it in a box. Keep it in that box for 8-10 hours a day. you can let it out for an hour in that time period, if you choose but, what will most likely happen is it will decide to stay in the box and “relax”...
by Anthony Lawson on Oct 14, 2022
The second necessity in line. Water. You have about three days without this much needed element, and three miserable days they will be...
by Anthony Lawson on Oct 04, 2022
We are mammals. Hopefully that doesn't stir up controversy of any kind. More specifically, we are human mammals. And even more down to it...we are Homosapiens...
by Anthony Lawson on Jul 31, 2022
I love this coin because I love us. We all came from the same place and slowly branched away from one another creating a beautiful variety of us all over the globe. We are, and always have been, in a constant cycle of surviving, thriving and creating.