Goats and Does

"Does eat oats and goats eat oats but little lambs eat ivy,
I would eat ivy too, wouldn't youuuu"

I've been hearing my grams singing that in my head for days now. No idea why but decided to look it up this morning. Turns out it's a children's song/nursery rhyme and, for the first time in my life, realized why I remember her singing it. She was singing it to me. It never crossed my mind that she was singing it to me. Every time I think of her singing it, I just imagine that I happened to be in the room when she was singing it but every time I think of it, I can see her face looking at me and I have no idea how old I am so it makes perfect sense that she was singing me to sleep.

When I was a young adult, I can recall people telling me that I should ask my grandparents questions about their lives. I rarely did. In fact, it's probably more accurate to say I never did.

I truly regret that.

p.s. The new dog is scaring away the deer on our property. It's a bummer.